Bare Trees Productions

Art Branch

The name of my enterprise, Bare Trees Productions, comes from growing up in Minnesota, where the trees are bare half of the year. Also, there was a Fleetwood Mac “album” Bare Trees, with a song and a poem at the end of the album by the same name. I started to draw these trees with pencil, then pen and ink and the various forms of computer technology to create my image.

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Trees that are bare are still “beautiful,” as the poem goes.

Welcome to the Bare Tree Productions site. Hello, my name is Rodney Johnson. This Bare Trees Productions site is what I call “an island in the vast ocean of the web.” I set it up to share a few creative projects.

More specifically, this site provides a variety of original Images for your enjoyment and purchase.

Please email me if you want to purchase prints or a license for commercial use.
